Coronavirus: US overtakes Italy as country with most deaths ...

Corona virus remains unchanged in the United States. There have been 2,000 deaths in the last 24 hours. With this the total death toll has reached 40 thousand.

Johns Hopkins University of America reported this. According to the University, 1997 patients have died in the United States in the last 24 hours. The day before that, on Saturday, 1891 people died.

The number of infected crosses 7.5 lakhs

The number of people infected with the corona virus in the United States has crossed 7.5 million. However, in the meantime, 66,000 people have recovered completely from the corona virus.

Trump gives serious warning to China

President Donald Trump warned China that it would have serious consequences if it was proven responsible for spreading the epidemic of the Corona virus.

In addition, Trump also alleged that Beijing dealt with the United States illegally on the Corona virus issue and did not initially cooperate.